So you can enjoy your BEST life!!
Our YouCan mission is to empower and educate you to become the strongest, fittest and healthiest version of YOU, through fun, effective and efficient programmes and challenges, targeting ALL areas of fitness.
There is nothing more rewarding than the transformation of ones body and life... and no it's not about the look (although that is usually one of the byproducts of being healthier and fitter) - its about having a well conditioned and functional body so that YouCan live your best life.
YouCan started out as a personal training business, training clients one-on-one and seeing amazing results: weight loss, healthier, fitter, stronger, happier...
But then we wanted more... to help more people... to see more results...
And so the rest of YouCan was developed and launched.

We create fun and effective courses online for all different types of groups - mums, office/sedentary workers, over 50's, teachers... and so much more (In the Zone)
We look after the health and wellness of employees from companies both large and small (Employee Wellness)
We design fitness challenges and events!!
We speak in public forums...
Everything we do is based around bringing fun and effectiveness into YOUR health journey.
You only have one body.... so why not look after it?

Our online courses are targeted to your specific group. Are you pregnant, a mum, a teacher, have a sedentary job, heading towards retirement, training for a specific sport? Whatever your story, we have a course for you! We coach you, we educate you, we provide daily programmes or challenges, we keep you accountable and so much more...

It's personal... all about YOU. Just you and your trainer. Everything is designed and created to achieve YOUR goals. New programmes each week, constant technique monitoring, fun but effective training sessions... and yes you will achieve! Show up with a great attitude and we will achieve your heath and fitness goals together.
What They’re Saying
Training with Crystal has changed my life for the better. She makes it fun, she pays attention to what my body needs, both physically and emotionally, and knows when she can push me to another level."
Chris Geenty
"As a result of working with Crystal I feel stronger, healthier, more confident physically in terms of balance and taking on new challenges and have an overall sense of wellbeing. We also have fun."
Sandra McCallum
"I have improved my core strength way beyond my expectations and one of the big pluses for me is that my balance and therefore my general physical confidence is so much better... And the best bit is that we always have fun!"
Glenda McCallum